There are three types of masks available in Corel Photo-PAINT:
Regular masks, created with the toolbox; Color Masks, created thru the Masks Menu; and Transparency Masks, also created thru the Masks menu.
The Masking tool provides a variety of shapes to use as masks, including a magic wand mask tool. This masking tool outlines areas of similar colours.
Once the background is isolated, or masked, it can be modified without affecting the rest of the image.
By selecting the fill tool, and a fill colour or pattern from the Fill Roll-up, you can click anywhere in the mask area to modify the image.
Removing the mask does not affect the changes made to the image when the mask was on.
Color masks allow you to modify or protect selected colours in an image. In the Color Mask Roll-up, you can specify up to ten colours at once.
Click once on the first colour to be modified, then click to select the colour in the image. In this case, the colour of the polka dots in Fiona's blouse.
When a preview is requested, only the areas displayed in red will be affected.
After the mask has been applied, you can use any of the brush tools to modify the image.
Remember to select a colour from the Colour Roll-Up before applying the brush stroke to the image.
By pressing and dragging over the polka dot area, the colour mask converts the black area to the new colour.
Transparency masks are like a silk screen effect on an image.
You can create uniform transparencies or gradient transparencies. Uniform transparencies can vary in density. For example, a value of 255 would allow the maximum amount of ink through the silk screen, whereas 0 would allow no ink.
Because the transparency resides on a layer, you can display, and therefore edit, the transparency through the Layers/Objects Roll-up.
You can carve a pattern in the transparency with a brush stroke, or you can fill the transparency. Either way, the transparency will let more ink seep through the light areas and less in the dark areas.
Once the transparency has been modified, you can hide it and modify the image. The transparency will take care of applying the varying colours.